Choose your property online based on independent, comprehensive information that we will provide on request. You may also take the opportunity of paying us a visit in our Varna office, for an escorted viewing of the property. Please, refer to our Services section for details about the viewing trip packages available.
If your property includes land, then you are obliged, under our law to register a local company which then to own this land. This regulation is expected to change in the nearest future, but in the meantime foreigners can only own land by setting up a Bulgarian company. There are no obligations in respect of employing local personnel or actually running any kind of activities. Answers to the most common questions concerning company registration can be found in the Services section of this website.
If the property does not include land, e.g. apartment, then you do not need to register a company.

Once you reserve the property, which appealed to you, you need to sign a Preliminary Contract with the owner and pay a percentage of the total property price (typically 10 %).

The Preliminary Contract will be prepared by us, approved by you, and signed by you or on your behalf by a representative of Buy in BG. The date until which the final contract for the purchase should be concluded is also specified in the Preliminary Contract.
As soon as property is fully paid you can receive and sign final Notary Act (contract of Purchase) in front of a Bulgarian Notary Public. Buy in BG can sign this act on your company behalf under power of attorney previously signed by you. The original act will be forward by courier to you.